10% of the adult population suffers from heel pain at some point in their life. Whilst there are many causes, examples of the most common conditions are shown here.
Plantar fasciitis is a strain of the ligament under the foot.
This image shows how our high resolution ultrasound scanner has diagnosed plantar fasciitis. The condition is treated by correcting the biomechanical issue causing the problem, often after biomechanical and gait analysis. Most patients get better with conservative treatment using advanced orthoses and many other treatment strategies. Invasive treatments including techniques such as dry needling and cryosurgery are sometimes required. Rarely, surgery is needed.

This patient a stress fracture of his heel following barefoot running. Biomechanical analysis confirmed very high force under the heel which was treated with orthoses and specific running shoes.

This patient suffers from prominent heel bone called Haglund's Deformity. The Centre's podiatric surgeon operated on the patient to reduce the size of the heel bone. Surgery was undertaken under local anaesthetic.

Sever's disease is inflammation of the growth plate of the heel, usually in children aged 10-14. The condition often occurs because of biomechanical and gait deficiencies and their treatment usually results in rapid resolution.

Please contact the centre for more information.