
Verrucae can be one of the most frustrating of conditions with many patients attended the Centre having had all manner of treatments at other locations. The Centre offers a range of treatments for the management of these virally induced skin lesions. Often, cryosurgery is undertaken and patients routinely receive a nerve block so that the procedure can be undertaken in a painless manner.

If effective cryotherapy (some practitioners are too conservative with this treatment) has proven unsuccessful then more invasive treatments can be performed. This includes dry needling and surgical interventions, either in the form a procedure known as controlled depth excision, or full thickness excision where the wound is sutured closed. Various plastic surgery techniques are utilised to minimise the risk of painful scar formation. The exact type of the surgery depends on the nature, size and location of the verrucae. Patients can send pictures of their foot to the Centre for a preliminary opinion.

Please see below the rationale behind our verrucae treatment options:


How does Cryotherapy work?

Cryotherapy involves the application of liquid nitrogen to the verrucae site. The treatment is believed to work by destroying a small area of skin which contains the verrucae. The duration and type of freeze depends on the size, location and your skin type.

What does Cryotherapy involve?

  • Depending on the severity of the verrucae, a local anaesthetic injection may be administered to your ankle or in your foot to numb the skin and deeper tissues around the verrucae site.
  • Once your foot is numb, a cryotherapy canister is used to spray the verrucae site with liquid nitrogen.
  • A sterile dressing is then applied.
  • Continued cryotherapy follow-up appointments may be necessary at later dates to ensure the verrucae is successfully removed.

What are the benefits of Cryotherapy?

  • Crotherapy is a low-risk and effective treatment.
  • The procedure can be carried out in the clinic, not requiring hospital admission.

What are the risks and possible complications? Risks and complications of this procedure are uncommon but can include:

  • Blistering
  • Pain or discomfort during and for several days following the procedure
  • Infection
  • Painful scar tissue formation
  • Adverse reaction to local anaesthesia (if performed)
  • Recurrence or regression of the verrucae virus
  • Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)


How does dry needling work?

Dry needling pushes the virus to the outer layer of skin (epidermis) into the deeper dermis layer of skin, aiming to induce a cell-mediate immune response that targets the verrucae virus directly.

What does verrucae needling involve?

  • A local anaesthetic injection is administered to your ankle or in your foot to numb the skin and deeper tissues around the verrucae site.
  • Once your foot is numb, a sterile needle is inserted into the verrucae several times until all of the surfaces of the verrucae has been punctured.
  • A sterile dressing is then applied.
  • Several follow-up appointments will be performed at later dates to ensure appropriate healing.

What are the benefits of verrucae needling?

  • Dry needling is a low-risk and effective treatment. Studies show that it works in 67-69% of cases (B. Longhurst, I. Bristow, 2013) which is higher than any other non-surgical verrucae treatment.
  • It is different to other less invasive verrucae treatments, as it often only requires one or two treatments.
  • The procedure can be carried out in the clinic, not requiring hospital admission.

What are the risks and possible complications? Risks and complications of this procedure are uncommon but can include:

  • Infection
  • Painful scar tissue formation
  • Adverse reaction to local anaesthesia
  • Recurrence or regression of the verrucae virus
  • Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)


For those patients who have become resistant to both over-the-counter ointments and cryotherapy treatments, surgical options such as a controlled depth excision can be considered.

How do verrucae-controlled depth excision surgeries work?

Controlled depth excision is a minor surgical procedure used to completely remove the verrucae from the surrounding healthy skin. As well as excising the verrucae lesion, the procedure attempts to induce a cell-mediated immune response is induced, to fight off the verrucae virus.

What does Controlled Depth Excision involve?

  • A local anaesthetic injection is given around the ankle or in the foot to numb skin and deeper tissues around the verrucae site.
  • Once your foot is numb, the verrucae is carefully excised between the dead and live layers of the skin, at what is known as the dermo-epidermal junction.
  • The underlying skin is then cauterized using an electric needle, destroying any remaining viral tissue.
  • Such procedures tend to bleed readily, therefore a large sterile dressing is then applied once the procedure is complete.
  • Several follow up appointments will then be provided in the following weeks to ensure successful healing.

What are the benefits?

  • Controlled depth excision is a low-risk and effective verrucae treatment.
  • While more invasive than most other verrucae treatments, it can still be performed in our specialist day surgery facility, thus not requiring hospital admission.

What are the risks and possible complications?

Risks and complications with controlled depth excision are uncommon, but they can include:

  • Adverse reaction to the local anaesthetic
  • Infection
  • Painful scar formation
  • Recurrence or regression of the verrucae
  • Thrombosis
  • Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

Please contact the centre for more information.

Verrucae FAQ

What is verruca caused by?

How can you tell the difference between a corn and a verruca.?

How do you get rid of a verruca fast?

What happens if a verruca is left untreated?

How to get rid of a verruca?

What causes verruca on feet?

What is the most effective verruca treatment?

Does cryotherapy work for verrucas?

Is a verruca contagious after freezing?

Can I get my verruca frozen off

Does freezing of a verruca hurt?

How painful is cryotherapy?

What happens to a verruca after cryotherapy?

What are the side effects of cryotherapy?

Do verrucas fall off after freezing?

What is a verruca?

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